
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Success Pill X: Follow your passion

Following your passion means exploring areas that spark your interest, developing your skills in a specific area,

Friday, 3 July 2020

Success Pill V: Connect with people

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." --John Lennon

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Success Pill IV: Reduce sleep hours

"Don't sleep too much, if you sleep 3 hours less each night for a year, you will have an extra month and half to succeed in." --Aristotle

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Monday, 29 June 2020

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Success Pills

For the next ten days, I'll be doing an explicit explanation on the underlisted success pills.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Live in the Moment

Anxiety is never enough to live a successful life, it is good to have plans but exempt worry from your viewpoint.

Saturday, 30 May 2020


Decisions you'll take in life should follow these two patterns: a quick one & a comeback one.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Saturday, 14 September 2019

The Power of Spoken Words

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity.

We an choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair.

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble."
Considering the 'powerful force' of the words we utter, we must discipline ourselves to speak in a way that conveys respect, gentleness and humility.

One of the clearest sign of a moral life is right speech. Perfecting our speech is one of the keystones of mature people.
Before speaking take a few moments to contemplate what you will say and how you will say it; while considering the impact they will have on the listener/s.
Be kind to all and speak words that are beacons of inspiration, enthusiasm and encouragement to all. Kind and sweet words are always music to the ears of the listeners.

Many people are compelled to give voice to any passing feeling, thought or impression they have. They randomly dump the contents of their mind without regard to the significance of what they are saying. When we talk about trivial matters as in gossiping about others, our attention is wasted on trivialities.

When we speak we should speak with mindfulness, in a way to solidify peace and compassion in our characters.

Not only do our words matter, but also the tone which we use has a huge impact.
There are certain rules that should guide all our communications with others. Always speak the truth, avoid exaggerations, be consistent in what you are saying, don't use double standards in addressing people, don't use your words to manipulate others, and most importantly do not use words to insult or belittle anyone.

We must be 'lovingly honest'; we must discipline ourselves to speak in a manner that conveys respect, gentleness, and humility'.

Gary Chapman in his book, Love as a Way of Life uses the vivid metaphor for words as being either 'bullets or seeds'.
If we use our words as bullets with a feeling of superiority and condemnation, we are not going to be able to restore a relationship to love.
If we use our words as seeds with a feeling of supportiveness and sincere good will, we can rebuild a relationship in positive and life-affirming ways.

When we need to talk candidly about something difficult with another person, we must focus on the conversation with keen attention and purpose.
During the conversation, we must listen patiently, speak tactfully, and tell the truth as we understand it.
We must align our words, voice inflection and tone, eye expression, body language, and actions with our inner awareness in an honest exchange.
Speak to empower, encourage, build, inspire motivate and other positive vibes.

Credit: Dr. Hyder Zahed

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Look At Your Mates!!!

The "look at your mates" phrase has done more damage than good over the years.

When someone says, hey!! " look at your mates", what comes to your mind?

Inferiority, low self esteem, dejection, rejection, sense of failure and the likes flows to your heart

What a stupid fellow is the devil, capturing the heart of a man not think straight

Well, let me be sincere and accept the fact that I have been in that shackles before

But I thank God, it was not too late for me to break out of the evil snare of "look at your mates"

There are some places and some persons you avoid just because they'll always end up making you think about position as if there's no hope for you anymore.

If you're asked to "look at your mates" then who amongst them are you seeing yourself? Yes, the speaker wants you see those who are far better off and ahead of you in life.

But you know, you can "look at your mates" who're are striving to be where you're, some of them are not closer to it at all not to talk of getting it.

There's this saying " we might be class mate but we're not grace mate" to imply that those who you see as  your mates might not necessarily be your mates.

When I  gained admission to the University after my College years and I met my younger sister class mates who were in JS3 when I left High School, I felt am the boss here, I could not help but open my mouth wide agape when I saw two men in their early 40s enter the same lecture room.

The word "mate" simply means friend, which implies that it's not a mathematical constant that doesn't change.

Wise up, be yourself while doing your best. Life isn't about "your mate" it's all about you.

Some of your mates are mad,
Some of them on sick bed,
Some of them in prison,
To worsen it, some are dead.

So brace up and appreciate God for who you're and what you're becoming great.

The phrase "Look at your mates" has sent many to unprepared marriages, prisons and early graves, be careful.

Next time someone ask you to "look at your mates" be positive about your looks.

Be constructive enough to "look at your dreams" and not your mates.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

You're Not An Error

Maybe we are not too close for me to tell you this, or probably this meant nothing to you but as you read these words.....

Sunday, 18 August 2019

A Journey of No Return

Hmm, how do a man prepare for a journey having known he's not probably going to make it back?