Friday, 16 August 2019


Oh ye sweet pleasures

How palatable art thou after labour
Thy comfort is best felt after a long hour of toiling
But why? Pleasure why? Why art thou turn thyself into must do in our generation?

Why don't you allow our young adults to work or toil before visiting them?
You ve turn thyself into a thorn in their flesh
Restricting them to do needful for their future
You've come in different dimensions; sleep, rest, nap and associates

Oh ye glorious youth, why are you forsaking your productive age on the platter of pleasures and comforts?
Does wisdom not tell you that the glory of a youth is in strength to work
Let no one despise thy youthful age not even pleasure

Rise up today like a mighty warrior
And face the battle ahead of you squarely
Come out from your shell of comfort
And be ready to do an honorable work
Pleasures and comforts are better enjoyed after labour

Does common sense not tell you that those who sleep do so at night
Do the work you have now, night cometh when no man can work
Work doesn't kill, diligently rise up to task
And enjoy the comforts pleasure has to offer
After labouring and toiling

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