Thursday, 13 June 2019

Your limitation—it's only your imagination.

Why limit yourself when it only exists in your imagination
Need I tell you that your imagination is not a definition of who you're
The definition of who you're is the greatness embedded in you ready to be unleashed

In you is that business idea that will define the new way of doing businesses
In you is that great book yet unwritten
In you is the potential to lead this country and beyond
In you is that mighty wisdom that will impact the world

Don't dwell so much on your imagination
But master the actions of your mind
Your mind is a powerful tool of greatness embedded in you
If you want something so badly and you put your mind to work towards it
You are just uncomfortable with yourself until you get at it

Give your mind a positive story to think about
And relax as unworthy imaginations run away from your life
You're a god, you can't be limited
You're too relevant to be relegated
You're too wonderful to be exempted

You can subdue, dominate, multiply and be in control
You're a masterpiece and not a replicate
You create your own world and fix it to your taste
You're limitless, boundless and unrestricted
You're somebody and not anybody

Never be discouraged from within
You're your only great motivation
Eyes have not seen, ears have not ear
What marvelous things you will do
You're an embodiment of signs and wonders.

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