Saturday, 15 June 2019

What Every Women Wanted II


Affection is the feeling of liking or loving somebody/something very much and caring for them. Affection is also an expression of love to another person.

After attention has been given to a woman, it is affection that dictates if the attention is worth it or it is just an ordinary attention. If as a man you are giving attention to your partner and she still complains about you more often than none, then you have to check how much affection you put in to the attention you're given. Human is a very dynamic being in that it is possible to be in a particular place physically but at mind the person is somewhere else which is in most times far away from where been seated, if this is the case with you, young man the attention you're giving is as good as you not giving it all.
Women loves it when a man is physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually present with them, they want your body, spirit and soul to be for them when you're around not that when you claimed paying your partner's a visit and you get busy with another thing when you get there, some men are so annoying to the extent of getting busy chatting on phone while with their partner, no brother it doesn't go like that. As much as your attention is required it also requires you putting affection to it.
Truth be told, showing affection is a good way to express love to a woman and that's why you see your partner doing all things possible to please you, it doesn't cost you a penny as a man to look after the well being of your partner, show her warmth and love and commend every good thing she's doing. Women can't shy away from the fact that are so much engrossed on what they hear, so when you tell your partner she's beautiful and appreciated her overall efforts, she is so comfortable with the compliment and really all women enjoyed it.
As a man let your partner feel loved, care for her as much as you can and sit back to enjoy the fruits of your dedication.

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