Friday, 5 July 2019

Patience: Accepting the Imperfections of Others

In Western culture we are not trained to be patient
When a
supervisor gives an assignment and we ask “When would you
like this completed?” the answer is often immediately
The message is clear: There is no time to waste, get it done, and get
it done quickly

In our personal lives we expect instant gratification
Just waiting for the computer to boot up in the morning is always
Waiting for that person to get in into a taxi before us is not so comfortable
Been kept a bit late behind schedule get us angry

In order to purchase things we cannot afford today,
we use credit cards even if we have to pay more later
We prefer to buy on credit than waiting for a time we'll be able to pay
We pay
extra  money to get products delivered overnight.

We use express highways that keep us from the slowed pace of local traffic
Once we get off the express road, we honk our horn if
the car in front of us does not move immediately when the light
turns green

If we get so impatient with technology, cars, and
possessions, is it a surprise that we get impatient with people?
In fact the very idea of being patient with people is countercultural

Yet patience is one of the seven traits of a
loving person.
Only an intentional choice to love will allow us
to develop patience in today’s world

Patience takes on different forms in different relationships
The patience we use to forgive the waitress who brought the wrongorder is different from the patience we use when waiting for our partner to catch up with a date
But being patient in one area of our lives helps us to be patient in all areas

There's no perfect human anywhere
Yet, we must live in harmony with one another
It's obvious we won't be able to achieve this goal
If we can't accept the imperfections of others

Let us all learn the single habit of giving others a benefit of doubts in situations
Don't assume or guess this person is this
Rather, have a broad mind to accept them for who they're
And with time, they will change for better

Stop accusing your partner every time he/she made a mistake
Put yourself in their shoes for once
Be compassionate and loving
Patience is a virtue.

Inspiration from Gary Chapman in his book titled : "Love as a way of life"

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