Sunday, 5 July 2020

Success Pill VII: Volunteer in activities

Volunteering is one of the untapped resuources for personal development and expanding one's network of friendship with people of the same mindset.

If you are the type that can deny yourself immediate gratification for lasting impression on people who might turn out to help you in a way or the other or gain hands on experience on any knowledge you have, then you'll do well in volunteering.

Of a truth, in volunteering you're not given a monetary reward but you have the opportunity to be a part of projects of various kinds which will open you up to the real world of getting things done rather than the illusion you've always been having.

When you volunteer, chances abound you're likely to work with other Volunteers which will help you develop your team playing spirit. Volunteering has a way of making you have an impression of been a selfless person even to your employer, business associate and other key players in your industry.

My first interview as an undergraduate with an international organization went smoothly as I was full of so many volunteering experiences that even my interviewer becomes the interviewed because  I was totally on top of my game.

It's on the platform of volunteering that you meet people of like minds, if the event made sense to you enough to be part of it, it does mean that there's at least one person that you share the same minds on one unique thing common to both of you even in that events that you can get acquainted to.

A good way to break the jinx of employer asking for 5-10years work experience is to start volunteering.

These are some of the reputable organizations you can volunteer with as they're widely recognized globally and even in the work environment:


Junior Achievers Nigeria (JAN)




SDGACTS Advocate


UNICEF & many more.

Use the comment section if you want to be connected with this organizations or google search them and follow the procedures.

Meet you at the topmost top.

Emmanuela D'a Muse
Your Success Doctor.

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