Saturday, 2 November 2019

When to grasp love, and when to let go

Love is the greatest equalizer. It seems that no matter the state of the world, or any individual
— whether you’re poor, rich, as gorgeous as a supermodel, or hideous and disdained by society like the Phantom of the Opera — we all have the common problem of wanting to be loved.

I imagine if human beings ever transcend their bodies and become fused with technology, we’ll still have android teenagers wracking their computer brains trying to figure out if their android crushes like them or not.

Many a time,we are confused about expressing feelings especially when the person involved is a long time friend you don't want to loose for any reason.

As good as that sounds, a greater challenge comes in when this friend of yours express her confusion probably in a relationship to you then you're disturbed on how to express your feelings and at same time not sounding as if you're taking advantage of the situation.

No matter who is concerned, expressing feelings when it comes is a better idea because the one involved is aware of your feelings toward them and might choose to accept or decline as they seem fit.

I'm sure you don't want to be in that difficult situation when you've to be tormented as to expressing your feelings or not.

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