Friday 2 August 2019

Right A Wrong In a Moment

It is vital that you take responsibility for your actions. It takes a big person to acknowledge a mistake but the act of taking responsibility actually makes you stronger. So don’t stay defensive, make excuses or blame others. It’s about facing the consequences. Give yourself time to accept this.

Look at what caused you to behave the way you did. Were there personal issues at play? Be prepared to explain your weakness, not as an excuse but as an offering of openness. It is important to fully understand the impact it had, otherwise you could do the same thing again.

It is crucial to say sorry. Apologise even if you did not intend harm and write it out fi rst if this helps you gather your thoughts. Then, when you speak, mean it. If it is empty words the person will feel this and it just compounds the damage. The apology must be unconditional, so don’t make excuses or defend your actions.

Listen to the other person’s response, even if it’s diffi cult to hear. If they stay angry, that is their choice. Their healing will take its own time, but that is their issue, not yours. They don’t have to “give” you anything in return, so be mindful of that. If appropriate, you can offer to make restitution in some way.

Be gentle with yourself. We all make mistakes, so don’t make it worse by continuing to beat yourself up about it. Feeling bad will not solve much. Instead, stand by yourself – you have to be your own best friend here especially if the person stays angry with you. Remember, you are not a bad person.

Make any necessary changes you need to so the problem doesn’t happen again. Get help if necessary and deal with your issues. Use the experience to develop the courage that comes from confronting yourself, then you can move forward from the situation with maturity and wisdom.

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