Monday, 26 August 2019

Exclusive Dating Versus Being in a Relationship: II

I ended up yesterday's post with a question and here I am to provide answers to it today.

An actual monogamous relationship takes exclusivity a step further, when you can commit to a future with this person.

“When it shifts into a relationship, there’s a focus on the longer term."

When it shifts into a relationship, there’s a focus on the longer term. “There’s a desire to get on the same page about bigger life goals, such as living arrangements, finances, family, career goals, and anything requiring true partnership.”

Of course, these life elements take some time to build up to, as well. It’s not like you’ll be moving in on day one, but by the time you're in an established relationship with this person, you could see it down the line.

You also should feel more comfortable in your skin and willing to share more of yourself and your time with this person—since, you know, you've made a commitment to them.

While there’s no real timeline for when exclusive dating should turn into an official relationship—although that would make life so much easier, wouldn't it?—you’ll start to get an inkling when things take a turn for the more serious.

You might notice that bae starts asking you to spend way more nights over their place, even on (gasp) work nights, or wants you to meet their parents. Or perhaps they offered to take care of your car repairs, taking on your finances as their own (to some extent).

If this person becomes the first or second call you want to make to share exciting personal news or crushing developments, that’s a sign that you might be ready to take the leap.

Either way, at the end of the day, you need to verbally communicate what you want to the person you're dating to see if they're on the same swoon-level page as you.

I think I'm ready—how do I make the transition from dating exclusively to being in a relationship?

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