Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Knowing is not Enough, Apply!!!

What a waste of efforts, time and resources
If you gather knowledge and failed to apply it

How do we know when you actually 'know' when you're not taking action
There's this saying that " if you see something, say something "
Then I challenge you that if you know something do something

My brother told me yesterday that " someone will always do better than you when you're not doing it"
Then I reasoned along with him saying " it will now be matter of when I know I can do it better 'why am I not doing it?' "
To what end is knowledge without application
Science will be of no use if not for technology
A way to measure you understand lecture is passing examination

Of what benefit is a potential not resulting to kinetic?
Of what use is ability devoid of practicability?
To what relevance is a car that can not move?
Or a salt that looses it's saltiness
They're all as good as useless

So I'm challenging you today
Knowing is not all that it is
Apply what you know
Solve a problem with it
Be a solution
The more you share
The more you know
Knowing and doing goes vis-à-vis
Don't separate them

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