Thursday, 20 June 2019

Ladies Dignity; What price tag?

Dear beautiful, amazing, wonderful, priceless, gorgeous, intelligent, pretty and fantastic lady;

Where art thou thy calm and serious manner that deserves respect?

Why art thou turn thyself to an object of satisfaction to men's lust?

Why art thou present yourself so cheap to be messed around with?

Why art thou dressing to expose your vitals?

Where art thou dignity and decorum?

You're more valuable and priceless than this act of yours, you're a princess and a queen to be for crying out loud, why don't you comport yourself in such manner?

It is out of a heart of love that i write this article to help ladies identify the value they carry and make them know exactly their self worth as brief as I can.

As a lady, it is important for you to have a high self esteem, know your worth and be rigorous in your act.

The fact that ladies are twice if not thrice men's population should give you as a lady the mentality that you really have to stand out in all ramifications.

As a lady, you're supposed to be sought after by men and not the other way round, but as it is ladies are the one attracting men and  making themselves vulnerable to the infidelity of men.

I can't  imagine a lady all in the name of dancing releasing her body to an entirely strange man to be carressed in a party, some of them in the name of tweaking shake their bum bum so close to the men's private part and all sorts of absurd manner of dancing, take it or take it, this is wrong and can never justified for any reason you have to give..

Some of this ladies dress to expose their bodies all in the name of fashion, gone are those days when ladies in skirt commands respect more the trouser wearing one's but now it is a wagon of both shame and dishonor that even the so called ladies wearing skirts are so incorrigible.

I'm not so much bothered about this moral decadence until I get to know just of recent that our tertiary institutions are so full with this group of ladies as I used to think it is the sluts that has such attitudes, but it was an eyesore for me when I saw how some students danced uncontrollably in a university ceremony, these are future mothers for crying out loud.

The fact that we are all laughing at your dancing steps does not mean you're doing what is right, that no one is talking to you about this does not make it the best, you can dance very well, yes we agree but do it in a composed manner.

If you as a lady can know how priceless you're, that your worth is more than billions in the world bank, that the riches of the entire world is  not sufficient to pay you off or buy you out, then you will really understand how it saddens the heart of your creator when you behave so low and cheap that you're seen as a public commodity.

Get me clear ladies, men are supposed to work so hard and labour vigorously with sweat before they can see what the creator endowed you with that makes you a lady but you ladies have made yourself a national emolument placed by the road side for men to salvage without no efforts.

I am so much pained in my heart that I wish I have a magic wand and just cause a positive change out of this menace but this is the best I can do.

Dear ladies I plead with you from a sincere heart, please change for better, those guys admiring you are just taking advantage of you.....the best they can offer you is money.....but you worth deserve the deserve respect, command are a rare gem.... you're're important..... you're relevant. You're just a compendium of everything that money, silver or gold can't purchase.

I love you and I want the best for you.

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