Thursday, 27 June 2019

Enjoy The Moment

Enjoy the moment  as you pursue the future

What ever worth doing at all
Is worth doing well
That which your hand find doing now
Do it good and well
Because this is the only moment you have

That which you're managing
Can never be productive in your hands
Truly, you don't like it
But you're into it already
Why not live in the moment

And do the best you can with this little
Who knows what's to come
If you're find worthy in small things
Only then can it be added unto you
Enjoy the moment while it last
Because once you miss it
You may never regain it

Don't manage your work because you don't like it
Take and pause and enjoy the moment
Don't manage your school because you felt you should be in a better institution
Think about your friend who is still home
Don't manage your course because it's inferior
Even doctors search for your job

Life is full of many pleasantries
Only those living in the moment can explore
You will only be depressed hating what you're doing
The good about enjoying what you do
Is that it helps you see good side of challenges

Don't live to fulfill others dream
Live your own life
You might not have reach your goal
But enjoy your moment even as you pursue it
You're not indebted to anyone aside God
So don't be discouraged, take an action!!!

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