Many Christian parents face a paradox: How can some children hear the
good news of the Bible and believe, while others hear the same message
and remain unaffected? While the process of faith may be miraculous, it
is not entirely mysterious. Jesus explained it in His parable of the
sower (Matthew 13:1-23). Teaching received without understanding kills
the yield. Faith with shallow roots withers and dies. Distractions,
worries and desires for other things choke the Word. But one who hears
the Word and understands it bears fruit.
How can we help our children receive the Word and bear fruit? Jesus' parable inspires several practical planting tips.
Focus on understanding. Many parents and teachers
attempt to impart faith primarily through the transfer of Bible facts.
Those seeds will not likely take root unless kids truly understand the
meaning of the facts. Sunday school worksheets often use
fill-in-the-blanks and word puzzles to drill children on their factual
knowledge. But unscrambling the word forgiveness in a puzzle is far less
important than understanding the meaning of forgiveness. Hearing is not
enough. Reading is not enough. Memorizing is not enough — unless your
goal is to produce a Bible "Jeopardy" champion. Concentrate your time on
helping kids really understand God's Word, its relevance today and how
you apply it.
Let them experience the message. People remember and
are affected by vivid experiences. When Jesus wanted His disciples to
learn about servanthood, He got down on His knees and washed their feet.
You can be sure those disciples never forgot that faith lesson! You can
do the same with your children. For example, to help them experience
the concept of grace, involve your family in giving to others without
expecting anything in return. Or to encourage kind words as mentioned in
Ephesians 4:29, invite family members to write or draw a kind note to
one another. (For more ideas on teaching through experiences, visit
Heritage Builders.)
Use teachable moments. Typically, when your kids are
enveloped in emotion-packed situations, they are the most ready to
grow. When circumstances provoke feelings of fear, sadness, anger,
exhilaration, awe or wonder, be prepared to help them see how God is
working. When Johnny is scared may be the opportune time to teach about
God's presence. Jesus took advantage of teachable moments often, such as
during the storm on the lake and with those who threatened to stone the
adulterous woman.
Reinforce for long-term retention. Some information
we quickly forget. Other things we remember a lifetime. We can help move
more of God's message into long-term memory through "interval
reinforcement," review or use of the message repeatedly over time. If
the brain registers information just once, less than 10 percent of the
message is likely to be remembered after 30 days. But if there are six
exposures to the information over 30 days, 90 percent of the message is
likely to be retained. If you want your kids to understand God as
Creator, repeat the message frequently — when you drive through the
mountains, when you witness a sunset, when you visit the zoo and when
you marvel at the intricacy of the human body.
Avoid bribes. Many well-intentioned parents and
teachers attempt to grow their kids' faith through the enticement of
rewards. "Learn this verse and get a ribbon." "Go to Sunday school and
get a cookie." It may seem harmless, but bribing kids actually sets up a
distraction. The "do this and get that" approach causes kids to focus
more on the "that" than the "this." Jesus never said, "If you do unto
others what you want them to do to you, you get a lollipop," or "If you
feed My sheep, you get a Twinkie."
Employ delight. Your kids will learn more when they
enjoy the process. Make learning about God fun! Some parents and
teachers wince at this suggestion. Few people gain a love for anything
that is marinated in drudgery. No one ever accused Jesus of being dull
or boring. In fact, consider His first miracle: turning water into wine
for the wedding at Cana. And remember how He told Peter to find cash for
the temple tax — go catch a fish and pull a coin from its mouth.
Delightful! So, make faith learning delightful.
Jesus concludes His parable: "The one who received the seed that fell
on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He
produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was
sown" (Matthew 13:23). What crop are you plotting with your kids?
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